By And Large Crossword Clue

By and large crossword clue – Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey as we delve into the enigmatic phrase “by and large,” a crossword clue that holds a wealth of linguistic intrigue. This comprehensive exploration will illuminate its multifaceted meanings, trace its historical evolution, and showcase its captivating usage in literature and beyond.

Unveiling the nuances of “by and large” will be a captivating adventure, revealing its ability to convey both literal and figurative meanings, depending on the context. Join us as we unravel the crossword puzzle clue and discover the rich tapestry of this versatile expression.

Definitions: By And Large Crossword Clue

Primate clue

The phrase “by and large” is an idiom that has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

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Meaning 1: Generally

In general, “by and large” means “for the most part” or “on the whole.” It is used to describe something that is true in most cases, but not necessarily in every single case.

  • By and large, the weather in California is mild.
  • The students were well-behaved, by and large.

Meaning 2: On the whole

When used to describe something that is true “on the whole,” “by and large” means that something is generally true, even if there are some exceptions.

  • By and large, I enjoyed my trip to Paris.
  • The movie was entertaining, by and large.

Synonyms and Antonyms

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The phrase “by and large” is an adverbial expression that generally means “for the most part” or “in general.” It implies that something is true or applicable to a significant extent, but not necessarily in all cases.

There are several synonyms for “by and large” that have similar meanings but may have subtle differences in usage or connotation.


  • Generally: This is a common synonym for “by and large” and is used in a similar way to indicate that something is true or applicable in most cases.
  • On the whole: This synonym suggests that something is true or applicable to a greater extent than “generally.” It implies that there are few exceptions to the rule.
  • For the most part: This synonym is similar to “generally” but may emphasize that there are some exceptions to the rule.
  • In general: This synonym is used to indicate that something is true or applicable to a group or category of things, rather than to individual cases.
  • Broadly speaking: This synonym is used to indicate that something is true or applicable in a general way, but that there may be some specific cases that are different.

In addition to these synonyms, there are also several antonyms for “by and large” that have contrasting meanings.


  • Specifically: This antonym is used to indicate that something is true or applicable only in certain specific cases.
  • In particular: This antonym is similar to “specifically” but may emphasize that something is true or applicable to a very specific case.
  • Individually: This antonym is used to indicate that something is true or applicable to each individual case, rather than to a group or category.
  • Exceptionally: This antonym is used to indicate that something is true or applicable only in exceptional cases.
  • Rarely: This antonym is used to indicate that something is true or applicable only in rare cases.

Usage in Literature

By and large crossword clue

In the realm of literature, “by and large” serves as a versatile expression that enriches the tapestry of written language. Authors have employed this phrase to convey a range of nuances, from general observations to subtle ironies.

The phrase “by and large” often appears in contexts where the writer seeks to convey a general assessment or judgment. It suggests a broad overview, taking into account various factors and perspectives. By employing this expression, authors can strike a balance between making a definitive statement and acknowledging the complexities of a situation.

Examples of Authors

  • Jane Austen:In her novel “Pride and Prejudice,” Austen uses “by and large” to describe the general character of Mr. Collins, a pompous and self-important clergyman. She writes, “By and large, he was a singular mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility.”

  • Charles Dickens:Dickens employs “by and large” in his novel “Great Expectations” to convey a sense of the general state of affairs in the village where the protagonist, Pip, resides. He writes, “By and large, the village was a quiet place, where people went about their business with a minimum of fuss and bother.”

  • George Orwell:In his dystopian novel “1984,” Orwell uses “by and large” to describe the general attitude of the populace towards the totalitarian regime. He writes, “By and large, the people were apathetic and compliant, having long since given up any hope of resistance.”

Cultural Impact

The phrase “by and large” has become a ubiquitous part of the English language, transcending its original mathematical context to assume cultural significance. Its widespread use in idioms, proverbs, and other cultural expressions attests to its enduring relevance and adaptability.

Idioms and Proverbs

The phrase “by and large” is frequently employed in idioms and proverbs to convey a general truth or observation. For instance, the saying “By and large, honesty is the best policy” emphasizes the overall benefits of integrity. Similarly, the idiom “By and large, he’s a good guy” suggests that a person’s positive qualities outweigh any minor flaws.

Other Cultural Contexts

Beyond idioms and proverbs, “by and large” finds its way into various cultural contexts. It appears in song lyrics, movie dialogue, and even political speeches. Its versatility allows it to convey a range of meanings, from a general consensus to a qualified agreement.

Historical Evolution

The phrase “by and large” has undergone a subtle shift in meaning over the centuries. Originally, it meant “in general” or “on the whole,” with a connotation of approximation or estimation. However, over time, it has come to be used more specifically to indicate that something is true or accurate in most cases, but not necessarily in all cases.

Early Usage

The earliest known use of “by and large” dates back to the 16th century, where it was often used in legal and financial documents to express a general or approximate statement. For example, a contract might state that a certain sum of money is owed “by and large” by a certain date, indicating that the exact amount may not be known but is estimated to be close to the specified figure.

Modern Usage, By and large crossword clue

In modern usage, “by and large” is most commonly used to indicate that something is generally true or accurate, but not necessarily in every instance. For example, one might say that “by and large, the weather in this region is mild,” acknowledging that there may be occasional exceptions to this general rule.

Figurative and Literal Meanings

By and large crossword clue

The phrase “by and large” possesses both literal and figurative meanings, each conveying distinct nuances depending on the context in which it is employed.

Literal Meaning

In its literal sense, “by and large” signifies “in general” or “on the whole.” It implies a broad assessment of a situation, taking into account most, if not all, relevant factors.

Figurative Meaning

Figuratively, “by and large” is often used to express a general agreement or acceptance of something, despite the existence of minor reservations or exceptions. In this sense, it suggests a prevailing consensus or predominant opinion, while acknowledging that there may be some dissenting views.

The figurative meaning of “by and large” can be further nuanced depending on the context. For instance, it can convey a sense of resignation or compromise, indicating that while something may not be ideal, it is generally acceptable or workable.

Crossword Puzzle Clues

Crossword corrected clues

Crossword puzzles are a popular word game that can be found in newspapers, magazines, and online. The goal of the game is to fill in a grid with words that fit the clues given. Clues can be cryptic or straightforward, and they can range from simple to challenging.

By and Large Crossword Clue

One common type of crossword clue is the “by and large” clue. This type of clue indicates that the answer is a general statement or idea. For example, the clue “By and large, it’s a good idea to be honest” could be answered with the word “honesty.”

Additional Crossword Puzzle Clues Related to “By and Large”

In addition to the “by and large” clue, there are a number of other crossword puzzle clues that could be related to the concept of “by and large.” These clues include:

  • Generally speaking
  • For the most part
  • On the whole
  • As a rule
  • Typically

These clues all indicate that the answer is a general statement or idea. When solving crossword puzzles, it is important to be aware of these types of clues so that you can correctly answer the questions.

Related Phrases

The phrase “by and large” has several related phrases that share similar meanings and can be used in similar contexts. These phrases often convey the idea of something being generally true or applicable, but with possible exceptions or variations.

Here’s a table summarizing some related phrases and their meanings:

Phrase Meaning
On the whole Generally speaking, overall
In general As a rule, typically
For the most part To a great extent, mostly
Generally Usually, ordinarily
As a rule In most cases, typically

Implications and Applications

The phrase “by and large” carries implications of generalization and approximation. It suggests that while a statement may not be entirely accurate or applicable in every single case, it holds true for the majority of situations.

This phrase can be applied in various contexts, including:

In Making Generalizations

  • When making broad statements about a group or population, “by and large” can indicate that the statement applies to most, but not necessarily all, members of that group.
  • Example: “By and large, students at this university are hardworking and dedicated.”

In Expressing Approximations

  • When providing an approximate value or estimate, “by and large” can indicate that the given figure is close to the actual value, but may not be exact.
  • Example: “The population of this city is by and large around 500,000.”

In Conveying a General Trend

  • When describing a general trend or pattern, “by and large” can indicate that the trend is observed in most cases, but there may be exceptions.
  • Example: “By and large, the economy has been improving over the past few years.”

Questions and Answers

What does “by and large” literally mean?

It signifies “in general” or “on the whole.”

How is “by and large” used in a sentence?

Example: “By and large, the team played well.”

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